Publication packages

What are publication packages?

Publication packages are bundles of all materials necessary to reproduce the results from a scientific article. They contain (following the national publication package guidelines):

How to upload a publication package?

  1. Log into the EUR data repository (EDR) (instance of Figshare) with your EUR credentials.
  2. Link your EDR profile to your ORCID. This will make sure that your publication package appears in your ORCID profile too.
  3. Under my data, create a new item. In this item, you can upload all publication package files (preferably without zipping), so that your files are linked under 1 DOI.
  4. Fill out as many fields in the form as possible, including all authors on your manuscript and links to external resources. This will make sure your data will be Findable.
  5. For license, preferably choose CC-BY 4.0, which enables maximum reuse of your data, besides being acknowledged for your data.
  6. If your manuscript is not accepted for publication yet, 1) Reserve a DOI that you can use in your publication, 2) Generate a private link for reviewers to see your data and 3) Save changes (do not Publish yet). Once your manuscript is accepted for publication and your data (analysis) will not change anymore, you can Publish it.
  7. After saving or publishing, your package will be looked at by a data curator from the EUR. They will contact you if they have any questions about your package or tips to improve it even more.

More information on how to use the EUR data repository can be found in this Youtube playlist.


For questions about the EUR data repository, please contact the university library (datarepository [at] eur [dot] nl). For the ESSB policy implementation, contact the ESSB data steward.