SURF Research Drive: General information

Note: this is a general introduction to Research Drive. For more specific instructions, to go the next chapter or visit the official Research Drive wiki.

What is SURF Research Drive?

Research Drive is a cloud environment offered by SURF and used by Erasmus University Rotterdam to store research data during the active research phase. It is not meant for long-term archiving, data publishing or data analysis! You can compare it to Google Drive, but for teams:


Each project gets a storage quotum and a data steward. The data steward gives rights to end-users. If permitted, end-users can upload data in the folders they received rights to.

Roles within Research Drive:

Sharing files and folders

Data stewards can give the following permissions to users:

Folders and/or files can be shared in the following ways:

Important notes on sharing


When you log into Research Drive, you will automatically see an overview of Projects / folders of which you are data steward or member. These files can be accessed in the Menu in the upper left corner, as are Applications and the Dashboard:


The Dashboard is accessible to anyone, but only relevant data will be shown.


Settings can be found on the top right of the screen:

The most important settings are:

Version control

Further reading